Top Items:

Witless Ape Rides Escalator — Donald Trump is in the race. — Donald Trump may be the man America needs. Having been through four bankruptcies, the ridiculous buffoon with the worst taste since Caligula is uniquely positioned to lead the most indebted organization in the history of the human race.
Raw Story, Politico, The Federalist, Shot in the Dark, Althouse and Mashable

Neil Young to Donald Trump: Don't Rock in My Free World — The rocker also endorses Bernie Sanders. — When Donald Trump strode on to the stage at Trump Tower on Tuesday to announce that he would enter the Republican race for president, a rock and roll anthem blared: Neil Young's “Rockin' in the Free World.”
Talking Points Memo, NBC News, Politico, No More Mister Nice Blog, Mediaite, ABC News and Raw Story

The Note: What Candidate Trump Means For The GOP … By MICHAEL FALCONE — NOTABLES —DONALD TRUMP SAYS HE'D ‘WIN EASILY’ IF HE RAN WITH OPRAH. According to Donald Trump, a 2016 ticket of Trump for president and Oprah Winfrey for vice president would be a lock for the White House, ABC's CHRIS GOOD notes.
Independent Journal Review, Bloomberg Business and The Week

Garish Tastes, Awful Hair: Donald Trump Is America — He's the king of bad taste in a country that loves bad taste. And all the candidates (him included) are pygmies anyway. Go, Donald! — Who are these jacklegs, highbinders, wirepullers, mountebanks, swellheads, buncombe spigots …
RedState, NBC News, The Week and Ed Driscoll

China rebuffs Trump comments on stealing U.S. jobs — China on Wednesday rebuffed comments by U.S. real estate mogul and presidential contender Donald Trump that China is stealing U.S. jobs through crafty business practices, saying trade between the two countries was win-win.

Charles Krauthammer On Donald Trump: 'A Campaign That's Run On Know-nothing Xenophobia.' — Donald Trump likes Charles Krauthammer about as much as anyone would like a snake bite. He's called the conservative columnist many things including being an overrated clown and a dummy …

Neil Young: Donald Trump ‘not authorized’ to rock in the free world
New York Daily News, Seven Days and The Week
New York Daily News:
Full transcript of Donald Trump's 2016 presidential announcement
Full transcript of Donald Trump's 2016 presidential announcement
The Week, Informed Comment and The Daily Signal
Dana Milbank / Washington Post:
Donald Trump's festival of narcissism
Donald Trump's festival of narcissism
Daily Kos, Shakesville and Hit & Run
Chris Good / ABC News:
Trump Says He'd ‘Win Easily’ If He Ran With Oprah
Trump Says He'd ‘Win Easily’ If He Ran With Oprah
Daily Mail, Political Wire and Washington Post
Tim Hanrahan / Wall Street Journal:
Donald Trump Transcript: ‘Our Country Needs a Truly Great Leader’
Donald Trump Transcript: ‘Our Country Needs a Truly Great Leader’
Mashable, Taylor Marsh, Business Insider, Bloomberg View, The Bob and Chez Show and Bloomberg Business

Blumenthal says he didn't write Libya intel he sent Clinton — Sidney Blumenthal did not write or know the source of any of the Libya intelligence he passed on to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Blumenthal told House Benghazi investigators on Tuesday, according to sources in the room.
Vox, The Last Refuge and Washington Post

Issa escorted out of Benghazi deposition — Former House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) tried to crash former Hillary Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal's deposition before the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Tuesday. — Issa marched into the closed-door deposition …
CNN, Esquire, Balloon Juice, Washington Post, The Last Refuge, PoliticusUSA, Daily Kos, Talking Points Memo, Washington Monthly, The Bob and Chez Show and Politico

Ex-Clinton aide didn't write Benghazi memos — Hillary Clinton's close adviser Sidney Blumenthal did not personally author or verify any of the memos he sent her about Libya or the Benghazi siege, according to the head of a House panel investigating the 2012 attacks.
Hot Air, Bloomberg Business and New York Times

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black — NAACP official's race questioned 5 photos — Rachel Dolezal, 37, is the head of the local chapter of the NAACP and has identified herself as African-American. But her Montana birth certificate says she was born to two people who say they are Caucasian.
PoliticusUSA, NBC News and New York Times
Tamara Winfrey Harris / New York Times:
Black Like Who? Rachel Dolezal's Harmful Masquerade — Rachel A. Dolezal, who stepped down Monday as president of the Spokane, Wash., chapter of the N.A.A.C.P., could have been a powerful ally to African-Americans. The participation of white allies has always been important to anti-racism work.
Slantpoint and Althouse

Rubio, Bush, Paul Are Clinton's Top Opponents in Swing-States Poll — The findings may ramp up the rivalry between two Florida sons, Bush and Rubio. — t margarettalev — Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Rand Paul are leading the Republican pack as most electable against Democrat Hillary Clinton …
Politico, Political Wire and Naked Politics
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Walker, Bush, Rubio lead GOP field; Clinton Still Dominant
Walker, Bush, Rubio lead GOP field; Clinton Still Dominant
Political Wire, The Nation, Fox News and Daily Kos

Meet The Valedictorian Who Turned Graduation Into A ‘Shake It Off’ Flashmob — Their parents had no idea what was coming. — The commencement speech arms race is no joke this year. It takes something pretty special to grab attention during a season when one valedictorian got …
Fox News Insider and Ryan Seacrest

Senate Dems give GOP 45-day highway deadline — Senate Democrats are giving Republicans 45 days to negotiate a long-term highway funding extension. — And while they aren't ruling out supporting another short-term fix when funding runs out at the end of July, they suggest it will be difficult …

What I learned from covering the Bushes for more than 30 years — If anyone should be feeling an overwhelming sense of Groundhog Day this presidential election, c'est moi. — Frankly, I've been covering Bushes for so long, I feel like I ought to be parachuting out of airplanes.
Progress Pond
Mark Schultz / Raleigh News & Observer:
Teacher, vice principal resign over gay fable — Teacher Omar Currie reads a copy of a complaint a parent filed after he read the book 'King & King" to his third grade students at Efland-Cheeks Elementary School. The school has upheld the use of the book, but a parent has appealed the superintendent.
Hinterland Gazette, Associated Press, Raw Story, Daily Mail, Mediaite and The Daily Caller
Alicia W. Stewart / Nieman Lab:
From Nieman Reports: Newsrooms find a diverse masthead means better coverage and new audiences — “Until the mastheads at the top of organizations understand how critical this reporting is for our democracy, it's not going to change.” — Editor's note: Our sister publication Nieman Reports …
New York Times

What Pope Francis should do to really help the poor: Bjorn Lomborg — How can we best aid the world's most vulnerable? — Pope Francis's concern for the poor is clear, so it is understandable that climate change is the topic of his forthcoming Encyclical — a Papal letter that is sent out to the world.
American Thinker, Power Line and EcoWatch

Hillary Clinton to Pitch Apprenticeships, But Not the Trump Kind — Hillary Clinton will call Wednesday for new tax credits for businesses that hire apprentices, drawing on a bipartisan idea for boosting on-the-job training. — Clinton will pitch a $1,500-per-apprentice tax credit during …

Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender, Banned from Internet. — Computer science student Zach Anderson, 19, met a girl, 17, on the “Hot or Not?” app. He was from Elkhart, Indiana. She was 20 minutes over the border in Niles, Michigan. They hooked up.
Raw Story

The Progressive Case for Teaching Shakespeare — Last week, high school English teacher Dana Dusbiber took to the pages of The Washington Post to explain why she is reluctant to assign Shakespeare to her students. Dusbiber, who teaches in Sacramento, California, argued that undue deference …
Bloomberg View