Top Items:

Clash of Republican Con Artists — So Republicans are going to nominate a candidate who talks complete nonsense on domestic policy; who believes that foreign policy can be conducted via bullying and belligerence; who cynically exploits racial and ethnic hatred for political gain.
The Hill

Donald Trump Was Set Up — The word came in from our best-sourced Fox News Kremlinologists: Fox News had settled for Donald Trump. Roger Ailes had given up on the hapless Marco Rubio. Megyn Kelly was sounding conciliatory, granting that Trump appeared more and more presidential.
Washington Monthly, New York Magazine, The Week and Detroit Free Press

Five Big Questions After a Vulgar Republican Debate — Does the size of Donald Trump's penis matter? — I'm not being cheeky. I'm not being shocking. I'm noting something that we cannot lose track of, should not shrug our shoulders about and must not gloss over: Trump has succeeded …
TIME, The Atlantic, National Review, Moon of Alabama and The Moderate Voice

Donald Trump defends size of his penis — (CNN)Donald Trump assured American voters Thursday night that despite what Marco Rubio had suggested, there was “no problem” with the size of his hands — or anything else. — “Look at those hands, are they small hands?” the front-runner …
Coffee House, New York Magazine, Hullabaloo, Ecorazzi, whorunsGov, Guardian, Lawyers, Guns & Money and ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES

5 takeaways from the GOP debate — It might be too late to beat Donald Trump, but it wasn't too late to give Trump a beating. — Two days after Super Tuesday put the billionaire frontrunner on a nearly unstoppable path to his party's nomination, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz …
Discussion:, Washington Post, New York Times, Vox and Politicus USA

First on CNN: Team Romney explores blocking Trump at RNC — Washington (CNN)Mitt Romney has instructed his closest advisers to explore the possibility of stopping Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention, a source close to Romney's inner circle says.
The Atlantic, Washington Post, Business Insider, Bloomberg Business, Hot Air, The Right Scoop, New York Times, Mitt Romney, TIME, BuzzFeed and The Daily Caller

Trump Brags About His Penis Size: ‘I Guarantee You There Is No Problem’ — Donald Trump responded to a jab Marcio Rubio has made about the size of Trump's hands — a line widely interpreted to be a reference to Trump's manhood — by promising that when it comes to the size of “something else,” he guarantees “there is no problem.”
Fusion, Scared Monkeys, Mother Jones, Washington Free Beacon and NBC News

Mitt Romney on TODAY Show: I'll do everything within ‘political bounds’ to stop Donald Trump
Yahoo Politics, Business Insider, US News, NBC News and 89.3 KPCC

Blistering attacks upend Trump's pivot to statesman mode
Politico and Political Insider blog

GOP freakout goes from bad to worse
Yahoo Politics, Hot Air and National Review

Best Lines of the Republican Debate in Michigan
Associated Press, Yahoo Politics, The Right Scoop and Boing Boing

Rivals pile on Trump in Republican candidates' debate
Talking Points Memo, Outside the Beltway, Politico, New York Times and The Atlantic

Star Tribune, Politico, Washington Post, Fox News Insider, Talking Points Memo, New York Times, Hot Air and New York's PIX11

In sign of apocalypse, Donald Trump defends the size of his... hands
Politico, Vox, The Week and Mother Jones

Whole Foods Sells Peeled Oranges In Plastic Containers, World Revolts — This is pretty bad, any way you peel it. — Whole Foods encourages shoppers to bring their own shopping bags and prides itself on an ability to provide healthy options to shoppers in the best possible way.

GOP crackup has Democrats in stitches — Thursday in the Republican Party was like hilarious fan-fiction for Democrats to hate read until they hurt from all the laughing. — It started with Mitt Romney and Donald Trump erupting into a civil war. It ended with Trump bragging about the size …

Mitt Romney offers scathing indictment of Republican tax policies
Outside the Beltway

Trade, Trump, and Downward Class Warfare
Equitable Growth

The Trump platform that Mitt Romney just attacked looks a lot like Mitt Romney's
Hinckley Institute and Yahoo Politics

Pitt Students ‘In Tears’ and Feeling ‘Unsafe’ After Milo Yiannopoulos Event — The University of Pittsburgh's Student Government Board held a public meeting on Tuesday to discuss the traumatizing visit the night before from “dangerous” homosexual and Breitbart Tech Editor Milo Yiannopoulos …

Luntz Focus Group's Winner of GOP Debate, Low Point of Night — What did Michigan voters think about tonight's GOP debate in Detroit? — Frank Luntz shared the reactions of his focus group on a special post-debate edition of The Kelly File. — The voters had some very negative things …
The Hill, John Hawkins' Right Wing News, The Week and Althouse

Clinton Takes Aim at Another Government Watchdog — The Hillary Clinton campaign has gone on the attack against the government official who conducts oversight of the State Department she used to run, accusing him of partisanship and misconduct without any direct evidence.
naked capitalism

She Is Cait, and I Am Not: Face to Face with Jenner — Winding my way 'round deadman's curves at unsafe speeds all the way up a Malibu mountaintop to meet Caitlyn Jenner, I asked myself: who would live here except a recluse? Cut off from the rest of the world, high above it all …

Lion Ted: Cruz Crushes the Detroit Debate — In theory, Ted Cruz's best states are behind him. But at the Detroit debate, Cruz was clearly the class of the field and it's clear that no one should count him out as the delegate race moves into its next phase.
Power Line, CNN and ABC News

Trump kills GOP autopsy — Reeling from a second straight loss to Barack Obama, a flailing Republican Party in 2013 found its culprit: Mitt Romney's callous tone toward minorities. Instead of being doomed to irrelevance in a changing America, the party would rebrand as a kinder, more inclusive GOP.
New York Post and ABC News

Miley Cyrus pledges to leave US if Trump wins — becomes president. — “Honestly f— this s— I am moving if this is my president!” the 23-year-old “We Can't Stop” singer wrote to her more than 38 million Instagram followers on Wednesday. — In a lengthy post that included photos …

Donald Trump Gets AIDS In A New Movie, And That Has Studio Execs In A Panic — Afraid of Trump's reaction, they're “subtly trying to make it disappear,” says an industry source. — Washington bureau chief for The Huffington Post — Audiences at screenings around the world …
Guardian, Deadline,, Refinery29, Mediaite and Jezebel

De Blasio credits less guns for more stabbings — NEW YORK (FOX5NY) - New York mayor Bill de Blasio is trying to put a positive spin on a recent rash of stabbings and slashings across the city. He credits the NYPD taking guns off of the street. — “I'm not a criminologist but I can safely …
Truth Revolt

Payrolls in U.S. Surge While Wages Drop in Mixed Jobs Report — Employment climbs more than forecast 242,000 in February — Hourly earnings unexpectedly drop along with hours worked — Employers added more workers in February than projected but wages unexpectedly declined …

O.J. Simpson — Buried Knife Found at O.J.'s Estate — A construction worker found a knife buried on the perimeter of the former O.J. Simpson estate ... and it's currently being tested by the LAPD in a top secret investigation ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ. — The story is incredible.
Jezebel, BizPac Review and KWQC-TV