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Trump retweets Obama in swipe at Clinton — retweeted an old post from President Obama to mock his Democratic rival's recent controversial comment, in which she characterized half of Trump's supporters as “deplorable.” — “RT if you agree: We need a President who is fighting for all Americans …
The Gateway Pundit, BizPac Review and RedState

Why Clinton isn't sweating ‘deplorables’ — “Words have consequences,” Hillary Clinton likes to caution while campaigning against the loose-lipped, insult-hurling Donald Trump. “Words can be misinterpreted.” — But it was the Democratic nominee, generally so careful with her language …

Was Hillary's “deplorables” comment a strategic play? — I agree with Ed that the “basket of deplorables” comment is a dumb thing to say, even as a gloss on Clinton's alt-right speech a few weeks ago. It's especially dumb to quantify the critique by categorizing “half” of Trump's supporters that way.
Sabato's Crystal Ball and Washington Post

Kaine: Clinton's ‘deplorables’ characterization doesn't merit an apology
BizPac Review and Talking Points Memo

Is Hillary Clinton Right About Trump Supporters? This Is What The Polling Data Says
Mediaite, Taylor Marsh, John Hawkins' Right Wing News, Washington Post, Talking Points Memo, CNN and ABC News

Alt-Right Leaders: We Aren't Racist, We Just Hate Jews
Washington Post, Hullabaloo, Vox Popoli, Media Matters for America and BuzzFeed

Team Trump Responds to Hillary's ‘Deplorables’ Flub: ‘She Ripped Off Her Mask’
John Hawkins' Right Wing News, The Root, BizPac Review, Raw Story, USA Today, Independent Journal Review and Fox News

Clinton: Half of Trump's supporters fit in ‘basket of deplorables’
The Atlantic, BizPac Review, Balloon Juice, Little Green Footballs and NBC News

Clinton holds lead over Trump in new poll, but warning signs emerge — Hillary Clinton maintains a lead over Donald Trump, but lagging interest among some of her supporters poses a potential turnout challenge for Democrats with less than nine weeks before Election Day, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
Politico, The Week and Political Wire

Clinton, Trump Deadlocked in Battleground States: Polls — Just over eight weeks from Election Day, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump are essentially deadlocked in four presidential battleground states — ranging from red Arizona and Georgia to blue-ish Nevada and New Hampshire …
The Week

Qualifications, Consistency Help Clinton, While Turnout Keeps Trump in the Hunt (POLL) — Advantages on qualifications and consistency and help from an increasingly popular incumbent are aiding Hillary Clinton in the presidential race — but with weaknesses sufficient to keep Donald Trump …
Washington Post, Politico and Mother Jones

Clinton on 9/11: The closest thing to ‘hell’ I've ever seen — New York (CNN)Fifteen years later, the scene is still seared into Hillary Clinton's memory. — “We saw this curtain of black smoke that was stretched across the island,” Clinton recalled. “Occasionally it would be broken by a firefighter coming out.
Washington Post, Business Insider, Washington Free Beacon and The American Mirror

Former EPA head admits she was wrong to tell New Yorkers post-9/11 air was safe
ABC News, New York Magazine, The Daily Caller, Refinery29, Newsweek and Mashable

The media elites feel that shiver up the spine — and it's not victory — You know a candidate is in trouble when she deflects softball questions about her policies to talk about her opponent's character. — 's phony “press conference,” where she took six questions from friendly reporters …
Althouse, John Hawkins' Right Wing News and BizPac Review

The Falling Man — Do you remember this photograph? In the United States, people have taken pains to banish it from the record of September 11, 2001. The story behind it, though, and the search for the man pictured in it, are our most intimate connection to the horror of that day.

EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump's claim he got $150G in post-9/11 state funds for small businesses because he helped people in need is unfounded, docs show — Donald Trump's tale about why he took $150,000 in 9/11 money is as tall as the Downtown skyscraper he says he used in recovery efforts, according to government records.

How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people's money — Donald Trump was in a tuxedo, standing next to his award: a statue of a palm tree, as tall as a toddler. It was 2010, and Trump was being honored by a charity — the Palm Beach Police Foundation — for his “selfless support” of their cause.
Raw Story and Balloon Juice

95 Year-Old Black Trump Supporter Walks Several Blocks in Hopes of Seeing Donald Trump in St. Louis (VIDEO) — 95 year-old Mort Moreland waited outside the St. Louis Basilica to see Donald Trump on Saturday. — Mort knew Donald Trump when he was working in New York City.