Top Items:

President Trump ‘went rogue’ on Iran deal, health care: Pelosi — The Democratic leader of the House of Representatives said President Donald Trump “went rogue” with his decisions on ending Obamacare subsidies, changing birth control coverage mandates and decertifying the Iran nuclear deal.

Promise the Moon? Easy for Trump. But Now Comes the Reckoning. — WASHINGTON — President Trump leaves little doubt about what he thinks of his predecessor's top domestic and international legacies. The health care program enacted by President Barack Obama is “outrageous” and “absolutely destroying everything in its wake.”
Talking Points Memo, IJR and Mediaite

Trump governs by disruption — and overloads all the circuits

Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood's Oldest Horror Story — In her autobiography, “Child Star,” Shirley Temple described going with her mother to see her new bosses at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer after leaving Fox. — Louis B. Mayer spirited away Gertrude Temple. The curly-haired superstar …
Althouse and The Last Tradition

Courtney Love Warned Actresses in 2005 to Stay Clear of Harvey Weinstein (UPDATE)
Discussion:, Conservative News Today, IJR, AOL, Mediaite and Mashable

Harvey Weinstein expelled from motion picture academy
neo-neocon, AOL, NBC News, Mediaite, KTLA and Refinery29, more at Mediagazer »

Academy Expels Harvey Weinstein
Conservative News Today, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, New York Times and Mediaite, more at Mediagazer »

‘Allah’ Is Found on Viking Funeral Clothes — ENKOPING, Sweden — The discovery of Arabic characters that spell “Allah” and “Ali” on Viking funeral costumes in boat graves in Sweden has raised questions about the influence of Islam in Scandinavia. — The grave where the costumes …

A truce of necessity — We've learned that after months of frosty distance, President Trump picked up the phone yesterday and called Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — ahead of a week when they absolutely have to work together on a budget, or risk losing tax reform.

Why I Went to North Korea — Since my five-day visit to North Korea recently, I've encountered pushback from critics who ask, “Why go?” … Frankly, these are legitimate arguments. So let's seize the moment for an honest discussion — and, in the process, let me offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse of reporting there.
Political Wire and Axios

Nation Tracker: Americans feel tax reform plans would favor wealthy — Most Americans continue to call for deals and cooperation in the back-and-forth between the president and Congress. And that includes many of the president's strongest backers and most Republicans. Some even want to see Congress assert itself more.

Shrinks take to streets to demand ‘narcissistic’ Trump's ouster … They're not nuts about Trump. — Some 125 psychologists and other mental health professionals marched along lower Broadway Saturday to demand that President Trump be thrown out of office, based on a constitutional clause allowing presidents …
RedState, Raw Story and

Psychologists march through NY to call for Trump's removal

The drug industry's triumph over the DEA — Amid a targeted lobbying effort, Congress weakened the DEA's ability to go after drug distributors, even as opioid-related deaths continue to rise, a Washington Post and ‘60 Minutes’ investigation finds. — In April 2016, at the height …

A “Terrified” Paul Krugman Wakes Each Morning in a “State of Existential Dread” — New York Times Keynesian economics columnist Paul Krugman as has been having a hard time ever since Donald J. Trump was elected President in November 2016. — However, the “conscience of liberalism” …

Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies — Modern conservatives have been lying about taxes pretty much from the beginning of their movement. Made-up sob stories about family farms broken up to pay inheritance taxes, magical claims about self-financing tax cuts, and so on go all the way back to the 1970s.

Six more wineries destroyed by Wine Country fires, bringing total to 16 — Updated 4:13 p.m. Friday, Oct. 6: Six more wineries were confirmed destroyed Friday, as a sixth day dawned with fires still burning throughout Northern California. — Paras Vineyard, Roy Estate, Pulido-Walker's Estate Vineyard …

Gingrich: ‘The alligators are really unhappy’ that Trump is ‘draining the swamp’ — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says the Washington, D.C. establishment is enraged with President Trump because he is following through on his promise to “drain the swamp.” — “Donald Trump
Political Wire

Have dirt that could impeach Trump? Larry Flynt will pay you $10 million. — Larry Flynt's ad in the Sunday edition of The Washington Post is hard to miss. — For one, it takes up a full page. And there are no pictures — just bold, all-caps text dominating the top third of the page:

Hustler Magazine founder offers $10 million for info to help impeach Trump
Conservative News Today, New York Post,, Mediaite and