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2:25 PM ET, May 29, 2018


 Top Items: 
Jon Levine / The Wrap:
Roseanne Rips Ex-Obama Aide Valerie Jarrett: ‘Muslim Brotherhood & Planet of the Apes Had a Child’  —  Comedian uses racially charged joke about African American Obama adviser  —  Roseanne Barr waded into racial waters on Monday, suggesting that former Barack Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett …
Wanda Sykes quits ‘Roseanne’ after Barr's Twitter rant  —  Roseanne apologizes for Valerie Jarrett tweet  —  Roseanne Barr, one of ABC's biggest stars, apologized after a bizarre, racist Twitter rant Tuesday morning, and then announced she's “now leaving Twitter.”  —  ABC had no immediate comment.
Natasha Korecki / Politico:
‘Roseanne’ canceled after star's racist tweet  —  ABC canceled the relaunched “Roseanne” program on Tuesday amid an uproar over show lead Roseanne Barr's racist tweet about longtime Barack Obama adviser and close friend Valerie Jarrett.  —  “Roseanne's Twitter statement is abhorrent …
Discussion: Raw Story, Deadline and Mashable
Emily Heil / Washington Post:
ABC has canceled ‘Roseanne’ after its star, Roseanne Barr, went on a vitriolic and racist Twitter rampage.  —  This post has been updated.  —  ABC announced Tuesday that it has canceled “Roseanne” after the show's star, Roseanne Barr, went on a vitriolic Twitter rampage Monday.
Discussion: Fox News, Breitbart and Deadline
Washington Post:
Harvard study estimates thousands died in Puerto Rico due to Hurricane Maria  —  CAGUAS, PUERTO RICO — At least 4,645 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria and its devastation across Puerto Rico last year, according to a new Harvard study released Tuesday, an estimate that far exceeds …
Nidhi Prakash / BuzzFeed:
A New Study Says Nearly 6,000 Died In Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria.  The Government Still Says 64 People Died.  —  “Our results indicate that the official death count of 64 is a substantial underestimate of the true burden of mortality after Hurricane Maria.”
Discussion: Hullabaloo and Refinery29
Sheri Fink / New York Times:
New Study Estimates Hurricane Maria Death Toll in Puerto Rico Could Exceed 4,000
Discussion: Mother Jones
Inside the Pro-Trump Effort to Keep Black Voters From the Polls  —  Breitbart News landed an election scoop that went viral in August 2016: “Exclusive: ‘Black Men for Bernie’ Founder to End Democrat ‘Political Slavery’ of Minority Voters... by Campaigning for Trump.”
Jessica Pressler / The Cut:
Maybe She Had So Much Money She Just Lost Track of It Somebody had to foot the bill for Anna Delvey's fabulous new life.  The city was full of marks.  —  Maybe She Had So Much Money She Just Lost Track of It  —  It started with money, as it so often does in New York.
Supreme Court rejects challenge to controversial Arkansas abortion law  —  Washington (CNN)The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected a challenge to a controversial Arkansas abortion law blocking medication-induced abortions.  —  The law, passed in 2015, says that any physician who “gives …
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
Supreme Court Allows Arkansas Abortion Restrictions to Stand
Discussion: National Review and Daily Kos
Greg Stohr / Bloomberg:
Planned Parenthood Rejected by Supreme Court Over Arkansas Law
Discussion: RedState and IJR
Tom Balmforth / Reuters:
Kremlin says Mueller's Russia investigation is pointless  —  MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Tuesday that U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and other related crimes would end one day, describing it as pointless.
Z. Byron Wolf / CNN:
Trump is winning his effort to demonize Mueller
Discussion: Raw Story
Morgan Freeman Lawyer Hits Back at CNN, Demands Retraction on Sexual Harassment Story  —  A lawyer for Morgan Freeman has issued a statement demanding CNN apologize and retract its May 24 story accusing the actor of multiple instances of sexual harassment.  —  In a letter to CNN president Jeff Zucker …
Discussion: The Root
Nancy Cook / Politico:
Ross goes from Trump ‘killer’ to ‘past his prime’  —  Investor Wilbur Ross was brought into the administration as one of President Donald Trump's “killers” — but in recent months, the commerce secretary has been increasingly marginalized, with his agency widely seen in the White House as a mess.
ERIC TALMADGE / Associated Press:
Analysis: North Korea sees US economic handouts as threat  —  TOKYO (AP) — The U.S.-North Korea summit appears to be back on track, but Pyongyang is showing increased impatience at comments coming out of Washington that what leader Kim Jong Un really wants, even more than his nuclear security blanket, is American-style prosperity.
Discussion: Instapundit
Jennifer Bendery / HuffPost:
Porn Leads To School Shootings, GOP Congresswoman Says  —  “I think that is a big part” of the spike in such attacks, Rep. Diane Black asserts.  —  WASHINGTON Does anyone know what kind of porn Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) is watching?  —  Whatever it is, the 67-year-old Black …
Discussion: Talking Points Memo
McKay Coppins / The Atlantic:
Trump's Right-Hand Troll  —  t's late on a Friday afternoon in March, and I'm sitting across from Stephen Miller in his spacious, sunlit West Wing office, trying to figure out whether he's trolling me.  —  This is no easy task.  A provocateur as skilled as Miller doesn't just announce …
Discussion: Politico
Emily Crane / Daily Mail:
The bulge is back!  Hillary Clinton wears another over-sized coat with a suspicious protrusion sticking out as she attends a Memorial Day parade with husband Bill  — Hillary Clinton attended a Memorial Day parade in Chappaqua, New York, on Monday with her husband Bill
Jennifer Calfas / TIME:
Please Don't Roast Marshmallows Over the Erupting Hawaii Volcano, USGS Warns  —  The U.S. Geological Survey took a break from giving serious updates about Hawaii's Kilauea volcanic eruption to confirm that no, you should not roast marshmallows over the scorching hot volcanic vents.
Discussion: RedState, Mashable and
Peter Baker / New York Times:
When the President Testified: People in the Room Recall Clinton's 1998 Interrogation  —  The date was Aug. 17, 1998.  President Bill Clinton testified before a grand jury.  Twenty years later, people in the room and those waiting nearby share their memories.
Discussion: The Week
David Edwards / Raw Story:
Megyn Kelly attacks Starbucks for allowing anyone to use bathroom: ‘Do you really want to deal with homeless people?’  —  NBC host Megyn Kelly on Tuesday lashed out at Starbucks over a policy that allows anyone to sit in the store or use the bathrooms — even if they are not paying customers.
Discussion: TIME, Washington Monthly and The Week
Chuck Todd / NBC News:
Dems, Republicans try to game California's upcoming ‘Top 2’ primaries  —  WASHINGTON — Next Tuesday, June 5, brings us arguably the most important date in the battle for the House before Election Day: California's Top 2 primaries.  —  Under the state's primary system, the Top 2 candidates …
Michael Gerson / Washington Post:
Trump exposes the hypocrisy of Christian Republicans  —  Three recent news items:  —  At the Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan said: “We see moral relativism becoming more and more pervasive in our culture.  Identity politics and tribalism have grown on top of this.”
Nelson W. Cunningham / Politico:
Bob Mueller's White Hot Summer  —  The special counsel's investigation is likely hurtling toward a conclusion.  Buckle up.  —  Special Counsel Robert Mueller may well be in the final stages of wrapping up his principal investigation.  Last week, I argued here in Politico that Mueller …
Discussion: National Review
The Daily Beast:
Trump's Plan for Political Survival: Blame Obama for Everything … President Donald Trump spent his long Memorial Day weekend sequestered mostly in the White House.  But instead of holiday tweeting about the “haters and losers”—of which, he once said, “sadly, there are many” …
Discussion: Raw Story and POLITICUSUSA
Andrew C. McCarthy / National Review:
The Obama Administration's Hypocritical Pretext for Spying on the Trump Campaign  —  Where was its concern about Russia during its eight years in power?  —  As I argued in my weekend column, it is hard to imagine a more idle question than whether the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign.
Discussion: Instapundit and Power Line
Barry Meier / New York Times:
Origins of an Epidemic: Purdue Pharma Knew Its Opioids Were Widely Abused  —  A confidential Justice Department report found the company was aware early on that OxyContin was being crushed and snorted for its powerful narcotic, but continued to promote it as less addictive.
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 More Items: 
Sohrab Ahmari / Commentary Magazine:
A Silent Coup in Italy
Emma Anderson / Politico:
Tusk, Juncker slap down Oettinger after Italy remarks spark storm
J.D. Gordon / Washington Times:
The Trump-Russia probe endgame
New York Times:
Once-Thriving City Nonprofit Sputters Under Mayor's Wife, Chirlane McCray
New York Times:
Stacey Abrams Didn't Play It Safe. Neither Do These Women.
Latest News Releases:
Statement by HHS Deputy Secretary on Unaccompanied Alien Children Program
Discussion: National Review, Splinter and Axios
Paul Waldman / The Week:
How Democrats should tackle Trump in the midterms
Discussion: Hullabaloo
 Earlier Items: 
EXCLUSIVE: Chafee Out of U.S. Senate Race
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
Trump campaign vet: Informant used me to get to Papadopoulos
Discussion: The Last Refuge
Laura Vozzella / Washington Post:
Rep. Garrett announces he is an alcoholic and will not seek re-election.

From Mediagazer:

Michael Schneider / Variety:
Nielsen: the Biden-Trump debate drew an average audience of 51.3M viewers across 17 networks in the US, down from 2020's first debate, with nearly 73.1M

Tim Marchman / Wired:
Quora-owned AI chatbot platform Poe is providing users with downloadable HTML files of paywalled articles from outlets including NYT, Forbes, and The Atlantic

Hanaa' Tameez / Nieman Lab:
Spain's El País launched a digital edition to cover the US in Spanish in May with 11 bilingual correspondents; as of April, the outlet had ~366K subscribers

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