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3:00 PM ET, June 14, 2024


 Top Items: 
Lawrence Hurley / NBC News:
Supreme Court rules gun ‘bump stocks’ ban is unlawful  —  The ban was imposed by the Trump administration after the accessory was used during the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas.  —  WASHINGTON — In a loss for the Biden administration, the Supreme Court on Friday ruled that federal ban on …
Brianna Herlihy / Fox News:
Supreme Court strikes down federal ban on bump stocks
Connor O'Brien / Politico:
House Republicans narrowly pass defense bill loaded with culture war issues  —  The tactic represented a gamble for Speaker Mike Johnson, who could have pushed to pass a more bipartisan version with the help of Democrats.  —  The House narrowly cleared defense policy legislation on Friday …
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Abigail Hauslohner / Washington Post:
House passes defense policy bill advancing key GOP priorities  —  The legislation, initially hailed by those who drafted it as a feat of bipartisanship, was loaded with amendments targeting abortion access, diversity programs and other initiatives opposed by Democrats.
Associated Press:
Alex Jones' personal assets will be sold to help pay Sandy Hook debt as judge decides Infowars' fate  —  A federal judge on Friday ordered the liquidation of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones ′ personal assets but was still deciding on his company's separate bankruptcy case …
Tovia Smith / NPR:
Alex Jones ordered to sell off his personal assets to pay Sandy Hook families
Discussion: Associated Press and KTVZ-TV
Andrew Solender / Axios:
Scoop: Democrats plan to go bigger than a boycott for Netanyahu speech … - The proposals include a press conference, a vigil, or an event with families of those taken hostage by Hamas, many of whom feel Netanyahu hasn't done enough to free their loved ones.
Discussion: Washington Post
Politico:   Playbook: Why Jim Clyburn hasn't endorsed Jamaal Bowman
Stef W. Kight / Axios:
Scoop: McConnell eyes his next move … - McConnell, 82, is both a student and a practitioner of power.  — While no final decision has been made, such a post would let him remain a force with real juice, wielding enviable say over funding for everything from the Pentagon to pet projects until he finishes his term in 2027.
Jonathan V. Last / The Bulwark:   Mitch McConnell Is Trump's Gimp. Again.
Sheryl Gay Stolberg / New York Times:
Fauci Speaks His Mind on Trump's Rages and Their ‘Complicated’ Relationship  —  In a new book, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci recounts a career advising seven presidents.  The chapter about Donald J. Trump is titled “He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not.”  —  Three months into the coronavirus pandemic …
Martin Pengelly / The Daily Beast:
Anthony Fauci: Volcanic Donald Trump Screamed F-Bombs, Then Said He Loved Me
Discussion: New Republic
Noah Bressner / Axios:
Biden's senior momentum: Why he's courting older voters … - Former President Trump, as Axios reported yesterday, appears to be making stunning gains of his own among young voters.  — The polls could still be wrong. … (Another theory: The hippies got old.)
Marianne LeVine / Washington Post:
Donald Trump, potential future oldest president, turns 78
Discussion: CNN
Fox News:
Trump has ‘sort of a pretty good idea’ of VP pick, will probably announce during RNC convention  —  Trump will likely announce VP pick during the Republican National Convention, which will be held in July in Milwaukee  —  Join Fox News for access to this content
Michael Schaffer / Politico:
The Disappearing Tucker Carlson  —  A major publisher just canceled a big-budget book on the former Fox News star, cementing his mainstream absence.  —  For Tucker Carlson, it has to be the ultimate good-news, bad-news moment: A major publishing house has canceled a prominent political …
Greg Sargent / New Republic:
Top GOPer Accidentally Wrecks Trump's Biggest Lie About Jack Smith  —  Don't look now, but Donald Trump's criminality is slowly morphing into a serious wedge issue against the Republican Party—and Democrats, fortunately, are beginning to act like it.  —  Politico's Playbook reported Thursday …
Dasha Litvinova / Associated Press:
Putin offers truce if Ukraine exits Russian-claimed areas and drops NATO bid.  Kyiv rejects it  —  Russian President Vladimir Putin promised Friday to “immediately” order a cease-fire in Ukraine and begin negotiations if Kyiv started withdrawing troops from the four regions annexed by Moscow in 2022 and renounced plans to join NATO.
David Strom / HotAir:
Based: Jillian Michaels, Fitness Guru Blasts California Libs as Insane  —  Jillian Michaels grew up in California.  She is a married lesbian, mother of adopted children, half-Jewish and half-Arab, and considers herself liberal.  —  Since 2020, she has become based.
Discussion: Mediaite, Newsbusters, Twitchy and PJ Media
Brian Beutler / Off Message:
The GOP's Finely Tuned Bribery Machine  —  It's playing out right before our eyes, but the secret 2025 agenda it's facilitating is even more scandalous.  —  The shock-and-awe Republicans have in store for the country if they take power next year is hard to convey to the unsuspecting …
Discussion: Semafor
Inside Trump's gripe-filled meeting with House GOP and his reunion with McConnell  —  Former President Donald Trump led House Republicans through a gripe-filled closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill on Thursday, airing grievances about his legal and electoral challenges, attacking his critics in the room …
David Kurtz / Talking Points Memo:
The GOP's Whitewashing Of Jan. 6 Is Now Complete  —  A lot of things happened.  Here are some of the things.  This is TPM's Morning Memo.  —  Will We Never Learn?  —  Donald Trump's return to the scene of the Jan. 6 attack that he instigated was a watershed moment in the whitewashing of his failed auto-coup.
Vanessa Friedman / New York Times:
Donald J. Trump, the Man, the Flag  —  In a visual age, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee is making himself into the 51st star.  —  When Donald J. Trump held his post-conviction news conference at Trump Tower after his hush-money trial in May, he did so in his signature red …
Discussion: Josh Fjelstad
Erin Doherty / Axios:
Exclusive: DNC launching billboards hitting Trump over Milwaukee comments … - They say that Trump was referring to the crime in the city, not the city itself.  — Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung wrote that the former president was referring to “how terrible crime and voter fraud are.”
Aaron Rupar / Public Notice:
Being a loving father is admirable.  Unless you're a Trumper.  —  PN is a reader-supported publication made possible by paid subscribers.  Appreciate our independent journalism?  Then please sign up to support us.  —  👨 Subscribe to Public Notice 👨  —  By David R. Lurie
Discussion: Washington Times
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 More Items: 
Chris Anstey / Bloomberg:
Summers Says Trump Tax Ideas Mean ‘Mother of All Stagflations’
Discussion: The Western Journal
Mark Walker / New York Times:
F.A.A. Investigating How Counterfeit Titanium Got Into Boeing and Airbus Jets
The San Francisco Standard:
SF startup bosses illegally peddled $100M in Adderall, Feds say
Chris Barnard / Washington Examiner:
The Left's climate policies are just as counterproductive and obnoxious as their protests
Discussion: Canary Media
Matt Welch / New York Post:
Beware ‘Christian nationalists’ hiding under your bed — the Left's new imaginary menace
Discussion: Twitchy
NBC News:
Clarence Thomas took additional undisclosed trips paid for by GOP megadonor, Senate committee says
 Earlier Items: 
Washington Post:
Pelosi: Vice president is a ‘safeguard’ if GOP contests the election
Discussion: The Hill and Washington Examiner
Republicans vent fury over speaker's elevation of Scott Perry: 'There isn't only one group that can threaten them'
Abbie VanSickle / New York Times:
The case centered on mifepristone, a drug long approved by the F.D.A. Here's the latest.
Elizabeth Troutman / The Daily Signal:
‘Really Uncomfortable’: 16-Year-Old Girl Speaks Out About Having to Share School Restrooms, Locker Rooms With Males
Discussion: RedState

From Mediagazer:

Nic Newman / Reuters Institute:
RISJ's 2024 Digital News Report with a survey of 90K+: six platforms, like TikTok, reach 10%+ of respondents for news use, compared to just two a decade ago

Harry Lambert / The Daily Beast:
A profile of The Washington Post CEO Will Lewis, once one of the UK's most feted journalists, and a look at the many compromises he's made in pursuit of power

Ann Cooper / Nieman Reports:
A look at AP Corporate Archives, launched in 2003 to preserve the organization's history and since then expanded with initiatives like an oral history program

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