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11:00 AM ET, June 26, 2024


 Top Items: 
Washington Post:
Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters  —  A poll shows that Americans rate threats to democracy as an important issue, but that the president has yet to convince them he is the one to defend it.  —  President Biden and his Democratic allies have cast …
Discussion: The Hill, Mediaite and RedState
Associated Press:
Most Americans plan to watch Biden-Trump debate, and many see high stakes, AP-NORC poll finds  —  A new AP-NORC poll finds that most U.S. adults plan to watch or listen to some element of Thursday's presidential debate.  And many think the stakes are high for both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.
Alex Roarty / NOTUS:   Biden's Record Is Full of Climate Wins — So Why Don't Voters Know It?
Nicholas Fandos / New York Times:
Bowman Falls to Latimer in a Loss for Progressive Democrats  —  Representative Jamaal Bowman of New York, a member of the House's left-wing “squad,” was defeated by George Latimer in a race that exposed Democratic fissures.  —  Representative Jamaal Bowman of New York …
Carl Hulse / New York Times:
Boebert Wins a Crowded Primary After Swapping Districts in Colorado
Liz Dye / Public Notice:
Trump asserts constitutional right to harass FBI agents  —  PN is a reader-supported publication made possible by paid subscribers.  Appreciate our independent journalism?  Then please sign up to support us.  —  🚨 Subscribe to Public Notice 🚨
Aysha Bagchi / USA Today:
Donald Trump hush money gag on witnesses and jurors lifted, but prosecutors remain protected
Washington Post:
Golf shirts and classified docs: New court filings show Trump's clutter  —  Pushing back on Trump's claim that prosecutors mishandled evidence, special counsel Jack Smith shows the evidence was a mess.  —  FORT PIERCE, Fla. — Special counsel Jack Smith revealed new photos …
Kimberly Leonard / Politico:
Judge Cannon is skeptical that evidence from Mar-a-Lago should be thrown out
CBS News:
Newly released photos from FBI's Mar-a-Lago search show Trump keepsakes alongside sensitive records
Fox News:
Obama has ‘anxiety’ over election, holding secret meetings with Biden to strategize on beating Trump: report  —  President Biden and ex-President Barack Obama have met privately on several occasions to discuss how the close confidants can save their legacy from former President Trump in 2024, according to a new report.
Discussion: RedState, IJR, Althouse and HotAir
Steve Peoples / Associated Press:
GOP former Rep. Adam Kinzinger endorses Biden, whose campaign wants to flip anti-Trump Republicans
Gregory Korte / Bloomberg:
Biden to Pardon US Service Members Convicted Because They Were Gay
Biden expected to pardon veterans convicted under military law banning gay sex, officials say
Trump endorsement falters — but the establishment flexes  —  Trump-endorsed candidates lost Tuesday in Utah, South Carolina and Colorado.  —  Tuesday was a rough primary night for Donald Trump — and he wasn't even on the ballot.  —  The former president endorsed a replacement for Sen. Mitt Romney …
Ally Mutnick / Politico:
Utah Republicans pick Trump skeptic John Curtis to replace Mitt Romney
NBC News:
Three female GOP state senators who filibustered S.C. abortion ban lost their primaries  —  They were defeated by three male Republican candidates.  —  Three Republican state senators in South Carolina who filibustered an abortion ban in the state have lost in their primary elections this month.
Discussion: Post and Courier and Daily Kos
Amanda Marcotte / Salon:
Trump's claim that Biden is “jacked up” on drugs is more than projection — it's cult conditioning  —  Parroting Trump's obvious lies creates the groupthink that keeps followers from asking too many questions  —  Donald Trump has been thinking a lot about cocaine lately …
Matthew Yglesias / Slow Boring:
Elite misinformation is an underrated problem  —  Important institutions are too eager to mislead people  —  The whole notion of “misinformation” as conventionally construed has taken some blows lately, including scandals in the misinformation research field and, more importantly …
New York Times:
Which V.P. Pick Will Help Trump Win?  Four Columnists Rate the Field.  —  Patrick Healy, the deputy Opinion editor, hosted an online conversation with the Times Opinion columnists Ross Douthat, David French, Michelle Goldberg and Bret Stephens to discuss Donald Trump's upcoming vice-presidential pick …
Lil Kalish / HuffPost:
Republican Who Called For Pride Flags To Be Burned Loses GOP Primary Race In Colorado  —  The former state legislator faced calls for resignation after he sent out a mass email to supporters in which he described LGBTQ+ people as “godless groomers.”  —  LOADING
A.L. Lee / Atlanta Black Star:
'It's Horrifying': West Virginia Judge Revokes Bond of White Couple Who Reportedly Kept Their Black Adopted Children Locked In Shed In ‘Despicable’ Conditions with No Water, Lights and Little Food  —  A white couple from rural West Virginia is back behind bars after a judge revoked the initial bond …
Discussion: New York Post
Elie Mystal / The Nation:
The Supreme Court Just Took Its First Swipe at Marriage Equality  —  Last week, the conservative justices buried a soft repudiation of Obergefell in an immigration case, likely laying the ground for more attacks.  —  Pocket  —  Every year, there is at least one Supreme Court case …
Discussion: Slate
Joe Perticone / The Bulwark:
A Knives-Out House Primary: MAGA in Microcosm  —  It's been one week since Virginia held its primaries for congressional races, and one of them remains up in the air.  In Virginia's 5th district, the Republican nomination to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives has turned into a scale model …
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 More Items: 
Roger Friedman / Showbiz411:
Paramount Erases Archives of MTV Website, Wipes Music, Culture History After 30 Plus Years
Elizabeth Elkind / Fox News:
'It's just obscene': House eyes crackdown on US dollars going to Taliban
Discussion: HotAir
 Earlier Items: 
Rich Lowry / National Review:
How Trump Can Win the Debate
Discussion: RedState and NBC News
Aaron Boxerman / New York Times:
Israeli Military Must Draft Ultra-Orthodox Jews, Supreme Court Rules
Mary Ellen Klas / Bloomberg:
Trump Could Actually Lose Florida. Here's Why.

From Techmeme:

Paul Kiernan / Wall Street Journal:
The US finalizes rules requiring custodial crypto platforms to report user transaction info to the IRS; DeFi platforms are exempt amid fierce crypto lobbying

Dallin Grimm / Tom's Hardware:
Hugging Face unveils Open LLM Leaderboard v2 that tests models across six benchmarks; Chinese models dominate the top 10 with Alibaba's Qwen taking the top spot

The Verge:
A look at the possible impact of SCOTUS overturning Chevron deference and curbing federal agencies' power on net neutrality, Big Tech regulation, and more

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